Friends, forest, eating

28th Oktober 2022

Beautiful finds and cooking together

A dear friend picked me up around noon for a private mushroom excursion to the “Hüttener Berge” with old and new friends.

With ten adults and five children, we went to a nearby forest and were able to find really many beautiful mushrooms. Among them were Scarletina Bolete, Blusher, Amethyst Deceiver, Garlic Parachute, Bay Bolete and Red Cracking Bolete ♥

Back again, we immediately processed the mushrooms, cooked together and ate.

Then three more lovely people came to dinner and it was a successful, wonderful evening.

Thanx to Dörte from himmelgrün and all the other participants ♥

Orange Peel Fungus

Orange Peel Fungus, very rare
(Aleuria aurantia)

In the forest

Everyone is busy searching …

Mushroom cleaning

Together we are cleaning and processing the mushrooms

Meal time

Doesn’t that look delicious?

Twisted Deceiver

Twisted Deceiver
(Laccaria amethystina)

In the forest

… and finding

Delicious sizzling

The various mushrooms sizzle deliciously on the cooker

Meal time

Delicious it was


Here too, as always:

The mushrooms presented here and their description NEVER represent a food release!!!! Please always consult a mushroom expert if you cannot determine a mushroom 100%! Because even 99% certainty can be fatal!!!

see also under disclaimer


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